Friday, April 9, 2010

it's Awards Season!

I have been tagged in 2 awards in the last few days - yay!

Thank you to the gorgeous Sydney Shop Girl for the two awards below:


1. State 7 things about yourself.
2. Pass the ‘Creative award’ to 7 bloggers.
3. Thank the person that nominated you; link to the person that gave you the award.
4. Pass the ‘Beautiful blogger’ award on to 15 bloggers you’ve discovered and think are fantastic.
5. Contact said blogs and let them know, they’ve won.

Seven things about me:
  1. I feel like I'm a bit of a geek at times, though I am nowhere near smart enough to stake that claim
  2. I used to be the biggest tomboy ever when I was a kid. I used to love making mud pies (as you do!) and playing with cars under our old house. Fun times!
  3. I am now in love with pretty, girly, sparkley things and I don't see this ever changing
  4. I find it hard to tell jokes and relay funny stories to people as I cannot stop laughing myself to get the story out.
  5. I am always looking for something more or something different to what I have or am currently doing. This is generally a good thing (imo) but not always
  6. I love rollercoasters and thrill rides! I am usually terrified until I get on, then I love it, jump back in line and am terrified all over again!
  7. My friends are the most amazing group of people ever and my friends numbers have possibly tripled over the past 2 years. It's because I am so awesome!
Tagging up to 15 blogs that I enjoy:
  1. of course, Sydney Shop Girl must be tagged. I adore her blog and am always in awe of the stunning photos that she takes. 
  2. Cabs are for Kissing - the blog of an NYC taxi driver. It is fascinating the things people talk about in the back of a taxi
  3. the gorgeous Sian who is a relatively new friend of mine and is always such a positive and happy person
  4. Donna who is also a new friend and such a beautiful person inside and out.
  5. Nikki's Flair to Remember - it is possibly the most visually beautiful blog I have ever seen
  6. Realestalker - real estate porn. Enough said.
  7. Sophia's BFF Productions - which I first came across after discovering Sophia was a member of The Hills' team. She posts a lot of random youtube videos which are very entertaining.
  8. Shannon's Sweet Valley High Blog - gold! she is reviewing all the old SVH books. Takes me back to my early teen years
  9. Kiki Chaos is a reasonably new blog but I am smitten with it. I adore the background and layout and always look forward to what she has to say.
  10. Faux Fuschia - she is fabulous on so many different levels. She inspires me to not have chipped nailpolish and to declutter.
  11. Grab Your Fork - an amazing Sydney food blog with stunning food porn photos
  12. Tasted by Two - another fabulous Sydney food blog that I have recently discovered. It has some of the best food photos I have come across.
  13. HillsFreak - where I get all of my deets on The Hills, The City and ex Laguna Beach castmembers
  14. Crumbs and Doilies - what I want my cupcakes to be when they grow up. They really put mine to shame
  15. Jacqueline's A Brilliant Brunette has some amazing makeup looks. Some of them are really creative and I love seeing what concepts she comes with

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