Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 241: Stuff

So I mentioned that I went shopping on Thursday night and this is what I bought.

Having a serious case of buyers remorse that's for sure. I think I might return the leather jacket actually as it's not exactly what I wanted but I bought it because I hadn't found anything else. I think I'd rather not have one at all if I can't get the perfect one.

The second lot of buyers remorse came with the items you can see there from Priceline. As with many other women, I have trouble walking out of Priceline without buying something.

The stuff on the top right incl the patent tote bag came as a free gift if you spent $50 on products by certain brands. I spent substantially more than that abd when I got home and opened the bag I was actually disappointed as I didn't need or want the majority of the items in it and probably won't use the bag. Ooops.

Loving my new handbag, headband and cupcake papers though so it's not all bad :-)


  1. I also got that Tote bag from Priceline, the goodies are really divine! I havn't even tested any of the products yet.

  2. Hey M!
    I've used the Cover Girl lipgloss and I really love it. the peppermint was a bit overpowering at first, but now I've gotten used to it, it's really nice.
