Saturday, April 10, 2010

Awards Season - Round Two

The idea behind this award is to name your top 10 blogs and top 10 things that you love. I would struggle to narrow it down to a top 10 but also to put them in any kind of order. So, considering I have already listed 15 blogs in my previous award post, I have simply listed another 10 that I enjoy reading (at least 2 of which should have been in my previous awards but were somehow overlooked - oops!)
  1. Farrah and Wayne's blog is a 365 day blog dedicated to their first year of marriage. I cannot believe I overlooked including their blog in my last awards as this is one that I check regularly and always love hearing about their journey. 
  2. A Letter from London - my wonderful friend Jamie's blog about his new life in London. Jamie & I used to be flatmates and I miss him heaps so it is always wondeful to be able to read up on what he is up to
  3. Too Much Blush - love Em's makeup looks! She is such a gorgeous girl and her blush is always perfect! She has a fabulous makeup collection and I am always excited to see what products she is using.
  4. Not Quite Nigella - a very talented cook who posts mouthwatering photos of food she has made herself as well as that from many of Sydney's restaurants. When I am after a new restaurant, I always refer to NQN.
  5. Bakerella - home of the marvellous Cake Pops! It was recently announced that there will be a Bakerella book coming out in the near future and I am beside myself with excitement!
  6. Scrangie - my favourite nailpolish blog! I am constantly in awe of her gorgeous nails and perfect application. Very envious of her mad skillz!
  7. Lady Melbourne - I am a fairly new reader to her blog, but I think she is a stunning and interesting young lady who has a wonderful sense of style.
  8. People of Walmart - I'm not sure if this is classified as a blog as such, but is more a photo journal of some of the crazy getups people wear to Walmart! I am fascinated by Walmart for some reason, though was a bit disappointed when I fianlly got to go to one haha.
  9. The Beauty Look Book - wonderful reviews of beauty products. I always love the colour/tonal comparisons of products, it hs helped me make a decision on the right shade of eyeshadow a few times
  10. Sephora Blog - I heart Sephora, so naturally love its blog.

Top 10 things I love (this is mofo hard!):
  1. My family and friends - goes without saying really! I have been blessed with some amazing people in my life and am very grateful for every one of them.
  2. Brisbane - having moved away 5 years ago, I definitely appreciate it a lot more now and love going back home.
  3. Flying - I know many people are scared of it but I enjoy it. I love that flying takes you to another place fairly quickly, whether it be a fantastic holiday destination or returning home, the feeling of touching down is fantastic.
  4. Baking and cooking, especially cupcakes. I love the entire process from measuring the ingredients to doing final decorations.
  5. Mess - I can't help it! I am never going to be one of those super tidy, orderly people. I love a bit of mess haha
  6. Accessories - I have more than I will ever need, but always less than I want hehe. There are just so many gorgeous items available.
  7. The internet - my gosh, what did we do before it??
  8. Magazines, blogs and trashy books - I love a bit of celeb goss and chicklit. Lame and should be embarassing but I just can't enough
  9. Reality tv - as above! If it's of the reality genre, I'll watch it.
  10. That giddy, tingly feeling you occasionally get, randomly, that is of pure excitement and happiness. I got this today when I was walking around doing nothing spesh, was a lovely little surprise.

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