Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 228: They see me rollin....

They hatin!!!!

My gorgeous friend Makia sent me this pic yesterday afternoon cos I was having a bit of a shitty day (dammit fake Monday) and she knows how much I love the series of "they see me rollin, they hatin" pics!

The phrase initially came from the Chamillionaire song Ridin Dirty, but I have no idea why people picked up on it and it's now become it's own little craze.

I actually quite like the song which my little gangsta cousins introduced me to 3 or 4 years ago. Weird Al Yankovich has done a cover/parody of the song called "White & Nerdy" (it rhymes with ridin dirty for those a little slow on the uptake!) which is really quite funny. There is even a chipmunk version!

This definitely put me in a much better mood, thanks so much M! Love you! It's so great to have such an amazing group of friends who are always there when I need them.

Chamillionaire's Ridin Dirty


  1. OMFG!! Bahahahahaha Maka!! That is freaking awesome...thanks for making me laugh this morning by making this your blog post...loves it!! :D

  2. Hahaha! The "They see me rollin'" series will never not be funny! So glad you liked it!

  3. haha, the series never fails to get a laugh from people!
