Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 238: Sleep Cycle

Anyone who knows me will know that I love nothing more than to get my shop on on a Thursday night and that is what I did last night. I'll show pics of what I bought tomorrow, but for now I wanted to show a screenshot of a new app I've been using on my phone called Sleep Cycle.

After the retreat, a busy day at the office and a big shopping adventure I got a really good sleep which is quite rare as I tend to wake up a lot during the night.

The idea of Sleep Cycle is that you set an alarm clock for whatever time you want to wake up in the morning and the app monitors your sleep through the night and wakes you up during the lightest part of your sleep so may be up to 30 mins before your set alarm time).

I have noticed that it has seemed much easier to get out of bed over the past 11 days but the thing I love most about it is the graphs! The one above showed me dreaming around 3am which is hilarious cos I actually remember the dream (I don't usually) and it involved me threatening to stab someone in the hand with scissors!! #hellopsycho !! I've never had a violent dream before so no idea where it came from. Maybe I should google dream meanings.

Below is a more accurate representation of my sleep and what most nights look like (although not the hours, I seem to bet around 6-7 generally).

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