Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 153: What's your addiction?

Is it girls? Is it money? Is it weed? Well no, Kanye West has dibs on all those unfortunately (damn him!), so therefore mine must be shopping. Oh dear.

I bought 2 books - Lauren Conrad's second book "Sweet Little Lies" which was an awesome surprise as I thought it wasn't out til 1st Feb and Elizabeth Noble's "Things I Want my Daughters to Know" These will assist me in taking part in #morereadinglesstweeting.

Alannah Hill was have a 50% off sale so I bought from there the If I Was a Bird hairclips, Born to Please necklace and Unfinished Sympathy headband. I already have outfits planned in my head that these accessories will complement. Looking forward to wearing the necklace with ym For Audrey CG nail polish. Yessss matchy matchy heaven.

So umm, no shopping for a long time now.


  1. Love the hairclips!! Such a gorgeous colour. I love that blue and silver combo.

    I am yet to read LA Candy, I might start this weekend. I get too tired after work to read, so I'm thinking a Sunday sesh would be perfect :)

  2. They are seriously gorgeous! Just love them.

    I never seem to get time to read during the week either, but I am going to tackle SLL on Sunday as I'll be recovering from the Big Day Out haha
