Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 70: New nailpolish!!

So, Friday was a super awesome day for me with 3 packages of nailpolish waiting for me at the post office! YAY!! I love nailpolish and I love all of these colours. Last night I painted each of my nails a different colour (I got a base coat as well, tho it was supposed to be a top coat dammit) just to test them out. Swoooooon!!!

so left to right, pinky first:
Essie Sexy Divide
China Glaze Ruby Pumps
China Glaze Limbo Bimbo
Essie Guilty Pleasures
OPI Conquistadorable Color

Apologies for the dodgy paintwork, I couldn't be bothered fixing it up and I took it all off as soon as I was took the pic. Now to decide which one to wear! I currently have one coat of Guilty Pleasures on (it was late and I couldn't be bothered waiting for 2 coats to dry) but will prob change to Essie Sexy Divide as I am in love with purple atm, and I think it is a colour I can get away with at work, whereas Ruby Pumps is a bit WHOA! love it!!

Unfortunately, as much as I love Essie colours, the formula is a little too thin, as are the brushes. Maybe I have just gotten too used to the OPI Pro Wide brushes, which I hated at first but now love.

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