Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 67: What's inside...?

Woohoo, a Kinder Surprise!! I haven't had one of these in years. My late uncle, Stephen, used to buy them for me and my little bro all the time and we always used to have fun putting together the little toys.

This time I got a little memory game hehe. So cute, but I wanted something that I had to put together! The chocolate tastes worse than I remember, I have a feeling I just convinced myself I liked it as a kid cos I was always so excited to see what the prize was and there was no point buying it if I didn't eat the chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. OMG I LOVE KINDER SURPRISE!! But like you, I haven't had one in years and I remember the chocolate to be awesome!! The only downfall was NO JOKE, everytime I got a Kinder I would just get a plain and boring figurine toy, no making required. :( I remember buying 3...I ended up getting 2 figurines and a puzzle. LOL That's it, I am going to buy one tomorrow I think and if I get another figurine, it's all over. LOL xx
