Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 48: My room is clean!

Well kids, here is my room CLEAN. Yeah, so those of you who have actually been in my room are probably thinking "that's not Mel's place" well bitches, it is!! I do occasionally (read: rarely) put things away and pick the floordrobe up off the floor and today it is looking about as clean as it gets.

Boys always laugh at how pink it is, but they loooove it! haha. I have been thinking though that maybe I need something more grown up, maybe it's time to ditch the pink??? Hmmm, maybe for the new year I will do some redecorating. For now I will just live in my own little pink cotton candy bubble!


  1. Thanks Kiki!

    Jamie - I know right!! my gosh, haven't seen floor in aaaaages! I'm trying hard to get my clean on though.

  2. A room can NEVER be too pink. :D Loves it. xx
