Saturday, December 12, 2009

Day 113: Krispy Kreme Christmas Donuts

Anyone remember the band 112? Totally not relevant to today's post, but as soon as I typed the heading I thought of them and their dirty songs such as Peaches & Cream lol. (I got post dates wrong and have changed them later, hence this reference no longer applies lol)

I went on a shopping mish today to exchange a dress I bought (mistakenly took the wrong size) and Krispy Kremes were the only thing that got me through the day. The shops were insanely busy and packed with morons. I had so much shopping rage that I left without getting everything that I needed to cos I just couldnt handle it any longer.

What is it about busy shopping centres that people feel is a good training ground for their toddlers who are just learning to walk? Its seriously not the right place and is freakin annoying trying to dodge toddlers, people who just stop in the middle of the walk way, people who walk soooo slooooowly, those who change direction with no prior warning, perople walking 3 or 4 abreast and those that run into you with their goddamn trolleys.


1 comment:

  1. LOL 112, peaches and cream was such a hit back in the day of my highschool years. Oh the memories haha
