Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 234: Retreat day 1

As part of our corporate team retreat/conference we were required to bring along a poster outlining our family & friends.

I had a few different ideas but it wasn't until I started pulling pictures together that I realised I had too many ideas for such a small space. Kinda funny considering I initially thought I wouldn't have enough material and had wanted to do a general poster about things I like.

All along I had wanted to set out my poster in 2 sections - 1 for Sydney and 1 for Brisbane to reflect two different parts of my life, however it ended up being easier to break it into a family section and a friends section.

It was really interesting to read everyone else's posters and learn about their backgrounds. Everyone did a great job with them!!


  1. Your retreat sounds like a lovely idea. Your poster is so cute, I want to enlarge to have a good look but google won't let me :( can't wait to read about the rest of your retreat.


  2. Hi Farrah :)

    You might not be able to enlarge it as I blogged from my iphone (have been doing this a lot lately) so I'll try to go through over the weekend and replace photos with ones from my laptop and see if that makes a differnce.

  3. oooh look, I'm on your poster!! I feel special :D

  4. That's cool Mel - I can sort of seeing it better now with my bigger screen hehe. I can see the bella girls too! hehe

  5. LOVE that we made it onto your would totally be on mine if I ever had to do are GORGEOUS!! xx

  6. of course you girls had to be on there!

    It was so fun to put it together, think I might either put it up at work so I have something fun to look at it, or put it up on the back of my door in my room.
