Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 54: American lollies are the bee oh em bee

Yep, you heard it here first kids, I loooove chocolate and lollies! I was at a store that sells American snacks and couldn't resist (actually my bro wanted something and I was after peanut butter sprinkles but they didn't have any so felt bad walking out empty handed hehe)

When I first went to America 15 years ago, I fell head over heels for Butterfinger bars. They are just so damn good. Hard peanut brittle ish type peanut butter covered in chocolate - what is not the love? Chocolate and peanut butter is just sucha  damn good combo.

Twisted brought a huuuuuge smile to my face - Cadbury Creme Eggs ALL YEAR ROUND!!! Woohooo! So, it's obviously not egg shaped, but still has the CCE goodness that I love. Wondering if this will take the shine off them though? Not quite as special if it's available all year round.

Lastly, we have Pop Rocks. Not sure these are American specifically, but I've got no doubt they originated there. I'm not actually a huge fan of the candy itself, but it reminds me of someone and a NERD song that I love - "you're my pop rocks, you're my cotton candy, when the beach is hot and sandy, you're my water" Awww.


  1. oh I LOVE american chocolate bars, drooooooool.

  2. 3 musketeers are my fave american chocolate bar! They're like giant milky ways

  3. Ohh I haven't tried a 3 Musketeers - will do that next time I pass the store.

    I've also been informed by the lovely Tilly that the Twisted bar is actually a UK chocolate. Thanks Till!
